What do the valid and reliable measures mean?
VALIDITY: Truthfullness of data from an instrument.
1.Content Validity:How well the instrument measures the content domain, namely objectives.
2.Criterion-related Validity:The degree which two or more instruments measure the
same variable.
3.Construct Validity:The degree which the instrument measures a variable as the literature describes it.
RELIABILITY: Consistency or Dependability of the data from an instrument.
1.Internal Consistency:Distributed item difficulty. Estimated using Split-half, Kuder- Richardson(KR) formulas, Cronbach alpha procedures or Spearman Brown Coefficients. A large correlation coefficient usually r=.70 or better is considered to disclose internal consistency. (For individuals Intrarater or intrascorer reliability and for panels i nterrater or interscorer reliability is tested)
2.Stability:Related results from the same instrument at different times.
3.Equivalence:Scores from the instrument alligns with a parallel or alternate form of instrument.
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